czwartek, 18 lipca 2013

Pomidorowe Gazpacho

Lubię lato i letnie przepisy, gdzie nie trzeba mierzyć, ważyć, piec... Można za to zrywać z drzewa, krzewu, grządki świeże warzywa i owoce (bądź kupować od rolników na targu). Potem chrupać je, miksować, kroić na sałatki... Dziś proponuję zupkę na lato. Gazpacho z gorącej Hiszpanii.

Składniki: pomidory, świeży ogórek, świeża cebulka, ząbek czosnku, świeża papryka, oliwa z oliwek, pieprz i sól do smaku, dobrze się tu również komponuje seler naciowy.

Całość zmiksować, można przecedzić, wtedy mamy zupę krem. Świetna na lekką kolację w ciepły, letni wieczór.... a na deser czereśnie ;).


Troszkę dziś więcej o pomidorach. Pomagają spalać tłuszcze!! Ha!! Są źródłem witamin A,C, E. Zwalczją infekcje, zmniejszają ryzyko zachorowań na raka prostaty, jajników (szczególnie u kobiet przechodzących menopauzę), są pomocne w chorobach układu krążenia i astmie. Przyswajanie karotoneidów i flawanoidów z gotowanych pomidorów jest większa niż z surowych. Tak więc 'zwykła pomidorówka' jest nie do zastąpienia ;). W gazpacho natomiast mamy oliwę z oliwek i to pomaga absorbcji witamin. Jeśli do sałatek pomidorowych nie dodajemy oliwy, tracimy wiele witamin. Tak więc pomidory i oliwa z oliwek to nierozłączna para!

Pamiętajmy, by sprawdzać  zródło pochodzenia warzyw i owoców, jeśli je kupujemy. Najlepiej korzystać z sezonowych dobrodziejstw natury, jest wtedy mniej pestycydów niż na przykład w pomidorach sprzedawanych w grudniu...

Tomatoes are one of our favorite fat-burning foods. They help reduce inflammation and reverse leptin resistance. Reversing leptin resistance is the key to losing those stubborn extra pounds. That is why tomatoes are used almost daily in The Fat Resistance Diet.
Tomatoes are excellent sources of potassium and several vitamins:
  • folic acid
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
Tomatoes also contain important anti-inflammatory nutrients called carotenoids and bioflavonoids. Key tomato carotenoids are lycopene, a red pigment, with potential anti-cancer effects and beta-carotene, an orange pigment, an important antioxidant that protects against damage from sunlight.
Bioflavonoids, which are concentrated in the tomato skin, counteract inflammation and allergic reactions. The main compounds are quercetin and kaempferol.
Studies indicate that tomato consumption is associated with a reduced risk of:
  • prostate cancer
  • ovarian cancer, especially in premenopausal women
  • digestive tract cancers
  • cardiovascular disease
  • asthma and chronic lung disease
The absorption of carotenoids and flavonoids from tomatoes is greater from cooked tomatoes than fresh tomatoes, since cooking breaks down the tomato cell matrix and makes the carotenoids more available.
The addition of olive oil to diced tomatoes during cooking greatly increases the absorption of lycopene. Oil is essential for absorbing carotenoids from tomatoes in salads or salsa. There is almost no absorption of these vital nutrients from salad eaten with a non-fat dressing.
- See more at:
Tomatoes are one of our favorite fat-burning foods. They help reduce inflammation and reverse leptin resistance. Reversing leptin resistance is the key to losing those stubborn extra pounds. That is why tomatoes are used almost daily in The Fat Resistance Diet.
Tomatoes are excellent sources of potassium and several vitamins:
  • folic acid
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
Tomatoes also contain important anti-inflammatory nutrients called carotenoids and bioflavonoids. Key tomato carotenoids are lycopene, a red pigment, with potential anti-cancer effects and beta-carotene, an orange pigment, an important antioxidant that protects against damage from sunlight.
Bioflavonoids, which are concentrated in the tomato skin, counteract inflammation and allergic reactions. The main compounds are quercetin and kaempferol.
Studies indicate that tomato consumption is associated with a reduced risk of:
  • prostate cancer
  • ovarian cancer, especially in premenopausal women
  • digestive tract cancers
  • cardiovascular disease
  • asthma and chronic lung disease
The absorption of carotenoids and flavonoids from tomatoes is greater from cooked tomatoes than fresh tomatoes, since cooking breaks down the tomato cell matrix and makes the carotenoids more available.
The addition of olive oil to diced tomatoes during cooking greatly increases the absorption of lycopene. Oil is essential for absorbing carotenoids from tomatoes in salads or salsa. There is almost no absorption of these vital nutrients from salad eaten with a non-fat dressing.
- See more at:

Tomatoes are one of our favorite fat-burning foods. They help reduce inflammation and reverse leptin resistance. Reversing leptin resistance is the key to losing those stubborn extra pounds. That is why tomatoes are used almost daily in The Fat Resistance Diet.
Tomatoes are excellent sources of potassium and several vitamins:
  • folic acid
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
Tomatoes also contain important anti-inflammatory nutrients called carotenoids and bioflavonoids. Key tomato carotenoids are lycopene, a red pigment, with potential anti-cancer effects and beta-carotene, an orange pigment, an important antioxidant that protects against damage from sunlight.
Bioflavonoids, which are concentrated in the tomato skin, counteract inflammation and allergic reactions. The main compounds are quercetin and kaempferol.
Studies indicate that tomato consumption is associated with a reduced risk of:
  • prostate cancer
  • ovarian cancer, especially in premenopausal women
  • digestive tract cancers
  • cardiovascular disease
  • asthma and chronic lung disease
The absorption of carotenoids and flavonoids from tomatoes is greater from cooked tomatoes than fresh tomatoes, since cooking breaks down the tomato cell matrix and makes the carotenoids more available.
The addition of olive oil to diced tomatoes during cooking greatly increases the absorption of lycopene. Oil is essential for absorbing carotenoids from tomatoes in salads or salsa. There is almost no absorption of these vital nutrients from salad eaten with a non-fat dressing.
- See more at:

Tomatoes are one of our favorite fat-burning foods. They help reduce inflammation and reverse leptin resistance. Reversing leptin resistance is the key to losing those stubborn extra pounds. That is why tomatoes are used almost daily in The Fat Resistance Diet.
Tomatoes are excellent sources of potassium and several vitamins:
  • folic acid
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
Tomatoes also contain important anti-inflammatory nutrients called carotenoids and bioflavonoids. Key tomato carotenoids are lycopene, a red pigment, with potential anti-cancer effects and beta-carotene, an orange pigment, an important antioxidant that protects against damage from sunlight.
Bioflavonoids, which are concentrated in the tomato skin, counteract inflammation and allergic reactions. The main compounds are quercetin and kaempferol.
Studies indicate that tomato consumption is associated with a reduced risk of:
  • prostate cancer
  • ovarian cancer, especially in premenopausal women
  • digestive tract cancers
  • cardiovascular disease
  • asthma and chronic lung disease
The absorption of carotenoids and flavonoids from tomatoes is greater from cooked tomatoes than fresh tomatoes, since cooking breaks down the tomato cell matrix and makes the carotenoids more available.
The addition of olive oil to diced tomatoes during cooking greatly increases the absorption of lycopene. Oil is essential for absorbing carotenoids from tomatoes in salads or salsa. There is almost no absorption of these vital nutrients from salad eaten with a non-fat dressing.
- See more at:

4 komentarze:

  1. Hmm smaczne - dziś zrobię ;) Gazpacho ole!

  2. Zupka znana ale jak smakowicie tutaj opisana!!!Ja jeszcze dodam cukinię :-) U nas nasza własna króluje na stole pod wszelką postacią!-Justo

    1. Warto wykorzystywac wszystko to, co sezonowe!!Lubię cukinię ;-)
